Thursday, January 19, 2012

a cure for the blues...

this time of year
it's so cold and gray 
and it makes me blue

good thing i love blue
more specifically navy...

a touch of gold pairs so well with a navy wall
nautical, yet not over-the-top... love the octopus (are we over the octopus thing? never!)

white built-ins, dark floors and loads of white trim... so pretty!

everything but the cushion fabric

black and white photography with navy... yes!

hello shiny blue doors!

paired with the orangey-peaches... so inviting. 

blue door and penny tile perfection

large print wallpaper in a tiny space :)

nearly symmetric = love

navy, parsons desk, clear glass lamp and shutters. it's all so pretty!

 take off the pillows at the end of the bed..... then it's perfect

there's a big smile on my face right now!

board and batten + navy 

my favorite dining room. ever.


beautiful white trim and a striped rug.

who wouldn't love this space? perfect combo of masculine & feminine!

my dining room is navy
and one of my favorite rooms in my home
waiting for a sunny day to take some decent photos

reveal coming soon...



  1. I like navy too...I'm just not daring enough to go for it! Plus, we don't have the gorgeous white trim :( That blue and white kitchen with all those windows is heavenly! Can't wait to see your reveal!

  2. I am obsessed with blue, especially navy. It runs rampant in my closet and throughout my home. Can't wait to see your navy dining room!
